Your  Freedom:   God's  GIFT,  Our  Passion

You  Are  a  Unique  Daughter  of  Christ 

What  Is  Our  Purpose?

Mission  Statement:

Soft  Warrior  equips  women  with  tools  needed  to  see  their TRUE  IDENTITY  in   CHRIST  and  develop  GENUINE   RELATIONSHIPS  within  the  body  of  believers.

Vision Statement:

To  SHINE  God's  LIGHT  on  East  Texas  and  surrounding  areas  and  be  a  beacon  of  His  love.

Ministry  Verse:

She  is  clothed  with  strength  and  dignity,  and  she laughs  without  fear  of  the  future.
Proverbs  31:25 (NLT)

Soft  Warrior  Weekend  is  an  overnight  pause  from everyday  life  to  experience  the  living  God.   The  weekend  is designed  to  be  a  very  personal  time  of  reflection  and  self discovery.   It  can  help  women  experience  more  of  who  God is  and  who  God  says  they  are.  It  is  an  invitation  to   delight  in  our  identity  as  a  unique  daughter of  Christ.   He  calls  us  to live  free  of  shame  and  fear  in  honest  relationships  with  Him and  others.

Soft  Warrior  Weekend  is  an  opportunity  to  experience freedom  from  all  that  "junk"  that  is  keeping  you  in  chains, learn  tools  to  maintain  it,  and  make  connections  with  other women  who  are  seeking  community  with  other  believers.

Soft  Warrior Weekend  is  more  than  a  retreat,  a   Bible  study,  or  even  an  event.   It  is  an  opportunity,  a  choice,  for you  to   DISCOVER   THE   POWER  OF   THE  REAL  YOU  because  of   the   Holy   Spirit  in  you.

Your Journey Begins Here:
Women's Soft Warrior Weekend

Ready to experience true freedom?  
Below  you  will  find  our  Eventbrite  link  to  help  get  you  registered.

Are  You  A  Church  Interested  in   Bringing  Freedom  to  Your  Women 
through  Soft  Warrior  Ministry?

The  people  who  trust  in  the  Lord  will  become  strong  again.
 They  will  be  able  to  rise  up  as  an  eagle  in  the  sky.   They  will  run  without  needing  to  rest.
They  will  walk  without  becoming  tired.  Isaiah  40:31

We  would  love  to  meet  and  share  our  stories  of  how  God  changed  our  lives  through  Soft  Warrior.

Community  Building

Make  the  Choice  to  Step  Out  of  Isolation

"A  person  standing  alone  can  be  attacked  and  defeated,  but  two  can  stand back-to-back  and  conquer.  
Three  are  even  better,  for  a  triple-threaded  cord  is  not  easily  broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:12

More  Information  About  Specific  Events  To  Come

Life  After  Soft  Warrior:  Women's  SPAR

Get  Connected  with  Your  Soft  Warrior  Sisters  and  Live  in  Freedom

We  call  these  life-giving  connections  SPAR  relationships.  
Below  are  a  list  of  locations  where you  can  dive  deeper  into  what you  experienced  at  Soft  Warrior  and  truly  be  genuine  with  fellow  sisters  in  Christ.

Wood  County  Area
Monday  SPAR  @   7:00  PM

Tyler Area
Saturday  SPAR  @ 10  AM  (monthly)

Frisco  Area
Send  an  Email  to Learn  about  the Next  SPAR

Need  a  1-on-1  SPAR? 

Wood  County  Cowboy  Church
3435  FM 2088
 Quitman,  TX  75783

See  Flyer  Above  for  Specific  Month's  Location  and  Address

Freedom  Ministry  Training:
Freed  Women  Free  Women

This  training  is  for  women  who  have  gone  through  a  Soft  Warrior  Weekend  and  want  to  learn  more  about  having  freedom  conversations  in  their  everyday  life with  other  women.
If  you  are  interested  in  attending  a  weekend,  please  complete  the  information  below.

From  paint  parties  to  food  trucks  and  games,
check  out  fun  pictures  below.  

Nope!  We  are  not  isolating!

Past Events Pictures


Remind  Yourself  to  Keep  Choosing  to  Live  in  Freedom!

Meet  Your  2024  Women's  Leadership  Team (WLT)!

Natalie Battles

Kristy Beckham

Vicky Bond

Soft  Warrior  Since 2017
Soft  Warrior  Since  2021
Soft  Warrior  Since  2015
My  Soft  Warrior  Weekend  help  me  LET  GO  of  unforgiveness  and  OLD  BAGGAGE  that  was  WEIGHING  me  down.    It  brought  me  an  AMAZING  COMMUNITY  of  women  that  I  do  life  with.
My  Soft  Warrior  Weekend  showed  me  my  VALUE  and  WORTH  COMES  FROM GOD  and  NOT  the  lies  Satan  wants  me  to  believe.
I  now  have  an  AMAZING  group  of  sisters  I  can  call  on  ANYTIME.
Soft  Warrior  has  CHANGED  ME  FROM  THE  INSIDE.   My   whole  PERSPECTIVE  has  changed.  My  COMMUNITY  of  "SWisters"  has  reminded  me  when  going  through  chaos  (1)  of the truths  that  God  says  I  am,  (2)  that  I  AM  STRONG  in   my  weakness  because  of  HIS  STRENGTH ,  and  (3) that  I  am  not  alone.

Kayla Glasscock

Jenni  Higginbotham

Soft  Warrior  Since 2015
Soft  Warrior  Since  2014
My  Soft  Warrior  Weekend  showed me how much of shame, lies, and baggage were weighing me down.  I walked out of the weekend with FREEDOM and KNOWING I have God's GRACE and LOVE.  I am now part of an amazing SISTERHOOD!
Soft  Warrior  showed  me  that  FREEDOM  comes  with  FORGIVENESS  and  the  STRENGTH  that  comes  with  COMMUNITY!

Jennifer  Hinton

Krystal Swink

Soft  Warrior  Since  2014
Soft  Warrior  Since  2015
Soft  Warrior  has  taught  me  that (1)  my  TRUE  IDENTITY  comes  from  the  LORD,  not  from  my  past;  (2)  forgiveness  is  a  DAILY  way  of  life;  and  (3)  I  get  to  daily  CHOOSE  God's  JOY!
My  Soft  Warrior  Weekend  opened my  eyes  to the  SHAME  and  unforgiveness  that  was  ROBBING  ME  of  joy  and  true  FREEDOM.   I  was  able  to  truly  accept  GRACE  and  give  it  UNCONDITIONALLY!